Working Together for a Housed and Healthy Brevard.

Brevard Homeless Coalition

The Brevard Homeless Coalition (BHC) was established in July 2015 with a mission to make homelessness a rare, brief and non-recurring experience in Brevard County. We are a 501(C)3 non-profit, membership-based organization designated as the Lead Agency for Brevard’s Continuum of Care (CoC), our homeless system of care. The BHC manages federal and state housing and services funding, coordinates local and national advocacy and planning efforts, and administers the Homeless Management Information System, our local information technology system which tracks and measures our success as a CoC.  We collaborate with communities and agencies throughout the County to help provide critical interventions to Brevard’s homeless individuals and families and those vulnerable to homelessness. Together, we are creating a housed and healthy Brevard. 

Unveiling Our New Strategic Plan!

The Brevard CoC 2023-2026 strategic plan represents a year-long process filled with focused conversations, workshops, research, and trend analysis of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-required reporting such as the Point-In-Time Count (PITC). The update to our previous 3-year strategic plan began in earnest in May 2022. The BHC, serving as the Lead Agency for the Brevard CoC, began to hold focus group sessions within the existing CoC structure, including the General Membership and Advisory Council members. Focus group sessions were also held with the BHC’s Board of Directors. These conversations were invaluable and helped to guide further discussions with both member and non-member organizations. We are pleased to present our new strategic plan. Please click to learn more! 

Working Together for a Housed & Healthy Brevard

RSS HUD Press Releases

HUD Exchange – Get updates on new resources, training opportunities, HUD policies, and more.

National Alliance to End Homelessness – a nonpartisan organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States.