Working Together for a Housed and Healthy Brevard.


HMIS Basics

Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is the information technology system designated by the Brevard CoC to comply with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) data collection, management, and reporting standards. HMIS is used to collect client-level and program data on the provision of housing and supportive services to homeless individuals, families, and persons at risk of homelessness. HUD and other funders, planners, and policymakers at the federal, state, and local level use aggregate HMIS data to obtain CoC-level information about the extent and nature of homelessness over time. Specifically, HMIS can be used to produce HUD-mandated reports on an unduplicated count of homeless persons, understand patterns of service use, and measure the effectiveness of homeless programs, including if a person returns to homelessness. HMIS is vital to understanding our homeless system of care! 

Agency & New User Information

If you are an agency serving individuals and/or families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, please contact the HMIS administrator at [email protected] to learn about enrolling your agency in HMIS. 


Thank you for your interest in HMIS. We look forward to working with your agency!